Halkla İlişkiler Yöntemi Olarak Kamu Diplomasisi

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Aslı Yağmurlu’ nun Makalesinin Tam Metni İçin Lütfen Tıklayınız.

İKT Üyesi Ülkeler ve Kamu Diplomasisi

Kamu diplomasisi yabancı ülke halkları ile iletişime geçmek ve onları yönlendirmek üzere tasarlanmış eylem planıdır. Diplomasisi genel anlamıyla bir dış politika aracıdır.
Dr. Muharrem Hilmi Özev'in makalesini okumak için tıklayın.

Kamu Diplomasisi Perspektifinden Sosyal Güvenlik Reformu

TASAM Ankara Ofisi KAMU DİPLOMASİSİ ETKİNLİKLERİ kapsamında “Türkiye’de Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemi ve Sosyal Güvenlik Reformu Tecrübesi” konulu bir seminer düzenledi.
Haberin devamı için tıklayın.

Farklı kültürlerin yapıtaşı; Kültür Diplomasisi


Uluslar arası Balkan Forumu’nun dördüncüsü Edirne’de gerçekleştirildi. “Kültür Diplomasisi” temasının ele alındığı Forum sonrası yayınlanan deklarasyonun tam metnini ilginize sunuyoruz.
Devamı için tıklayın.

Düşünce Kuruluşları: “Kamu Diplomasisi’nin önemi artıyor”

TASAM tarafından düzenlenen “2. İKT Üyesi Ülkeler Düşünce Kuruluşları Forumu” İstanbul’da gerçekleştirildi. Yoğun bir katılımla yapılan forum sonrası açıklanan deklarasyonda şu hususlara dikkat çekildi:

okumak için lütfen tıklayın.

Vizelerin Kaldırılması Kamu Diplomasisi İçin Önemli Fırsatlar Sunuyor

aozkanÜlkeler arasındaki vize uygulaması, soğuk savaş dünyasının ürünü. Dünyayı kesin sınırlara ayıran, kutuplaştıran, bölen bir anlayışın da simgesi aynı zamanda.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Abdullah Özkan'ın yazısını okumak için tıklayın.

Düşünce Kuruluşları Forumu, Kamu Diplomasisini Tartışacak

Soğuk Savaş sonrasının en etkin kavramlarından biri olan “Kamu Diplomasisi”, İKT (İslam Konferansı Teşkilatı) Üyesi ülkelerin düşünce kuruluşları tarafından İstanbul’da tartışılacak.

“Kapasite İnşası” Politika ve Programımız Yok

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Türk Dış Politikası ve Kamu Diplomasisi

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Doç. Dr. İbrahim KALIN'ın yazısını okumak için tıklayın.

Kamu Diplomasisi Seferberliği...

Dünya artık eski dünya değil; Oyuncuları da değişti, oyunun kuralları da... Sahnede yeni oyuncular var, kurallar yeniden yazılıyor, yeni işbirlikleri doğuyor, yeni anlayışlar yeşeriyor.

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Abdullah Özkan'ın yazısı için tıklayın.

Medyanın Kamu Diplomasisi Rolü

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Yrd. Doç Dr. Abdullah ÖZKAN'ın yazısını okumak için tıklayın.

Millet Olarak “Devlet Aklı”na İhtiyacımız Var

Millet olarak "devlet aklı" ile hareket edecek yetenek ve olgunluğa sahip olmak, daha başından tüm provokasyonları ve tehlikeleri bertaraf edecektir.

Türkiye-AB İlişkileri ve Kamu Diplomasisi

28122010Can cultural diplomacy help get Turkey into the European Union? Within the EU, Turkey’s accession process is a highly debated issue. Almost everyone seems to have an opinion on the matter, although it can be argued that most of these opinions are not based on rationality and facts.

Türkiye’nin AB Sürecinin Siyaset Üstü Bir Vizyona İhtiyacı Var

Bir rapor açıklanması ritüeli daha izledik AB kurumlarının salonlarında. AB Komisyonu’nun yıllık Türkiye raporları, 1998’den beri yayımlanıyor. İlk rapor ağır eleştirilerle doluydu.
Dr. Bahadır Kaleağası'nın yazısı için tıklayın.

Türk Dış Politikası ve Kamu Diplomasisi

dtfafisSoğuk Savaş döneminde, uluslararası politika ile iç politika arasında daha belirgin bir ayrılık mevcut idi. Dış politika; o dönemde daha çok ulusal güvenlik, askeri tedbirler, enerji kaynaklarına ulaşım, devletler arası çatışmalar, ideolojik rekabet ve nekonomik kalkınma planları gibi yüksek politika konularından oluşuyordu.
Doç. Dr. Ertan EFEGİL'in yazısı için tıklayın...

Türkiye’nin Kalkınma Yardımlarında Kamu Diplomasisi Perspektifi

Kalkınma yardımları günümüzde artık ülkelerin dış politikalarının önemli bir aracı haline geldi.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Abdullah Özkan'ın yazısının tamamı için tıklayın.

Kamu Diplomasisi Perspektifinden Kalkınma Yardımlarının Analizi

ssalhaÖzünde dürüstlük, doğruluk, sadelik, samimiyet yer almakta olan kamu diplomasisi, siyasal fikirlerden ziyade vatandaşların kalbine ve beynine ulaşarak ortak çıkarlar merkezinde diyalog kurmak fikrinde yükselmektedir.
Prof. Dr. Samir Salha'nın yazısı için tıklayın.

Institute Of Public Diplomacy


Strategic Power of the Era, Public Diplomacy...

There is a plain truth which is revealed by scientific studies made within Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies and by our efforts to understand and comprehend the developments both in Turkey and the world: We are facing a new international system which differentiate by its vision from the older one.

The function of this international system resembles neither bipolar world nor it has any connection with the unipolar world.

Multipolar new world order is based on communication, informatics, strategy and technology.

The economic, political and cultural consequences of globalisation have direct effects on this new international system.

Many instruments which were once appealed during the Cold War period and following the unipolar world order persist inefficient and  waste for this new international system.

In this new multipolar international system, public diplomacy stands out in order to increase the states’ efficiency, to achieve their aims and to implement the strategic vision that they have determined.

The “hard power” which was predominantly resorted by states in the unipolar world order and during the Cold War period has left its place to the gravity of “soft power” in the new international system. The states which are successful at utilizing their soft power in an efficient way gain more than those which were obtained by using hard power. Equally, they may mobilize and perpetuate long term collaborations.

The Institute of Public Diplomacy founded within TASAM aims at contributing the use of  actual potential which  Turkey possesses and the use of its soft power efficiently,  in the new international system. We believe that Turkey would achieve its objectives by appealing to the instruments of public diplomacy in a more healthy way as a state which plans firstly to become an efficient power of the region and later a global power center among the poles. Our institute would do the necessary scientific studies, would implement common projects with public bodies and NGOs to fulfill the purpose. Besides, the institute would substantiate international activities.

Together with contributing the Turkey’s objectives which seek to become the leader state in the region and a global power; our Institute would also endeavor for establishing global peace and collaboration. I wish our Institute would bring good luck and I invite the entire intellectual accumulation of our country to contribute this important duty.

Süleyman ŞENSOY

Chairman of TASAM


Public Diplomacy, The Art of Winning Hearts...

It was Joseph Nye who brought in literature the notion of “soft power”. He also contributed to the better comprehension of the term with his other publications. Nye indicates that “if a state seeks to achieve its objectives on the world politics; there has to be other states that appreciate its values and that follow it.”

Soft power is in a sense the art of winning hearts and minds…

Its counterpart in international relations is Public Diplomacy…

The jurisdiction “If a state could not conduct its perception and its prestige; then it is conducted by others” is very significant.

As a country having high strategic value, it is important for Turkey to conduct its prestige; perception and image in increasing its efficiency in the international arena. Equally, the historical accumulation of Turkey, its civilization and its cultural values present serious opportunities to Turkey for having a word in the international arena.

The Institute of Public Diplomacy sets out for making the works which are necessary for supplying a basis in creating the potentials and opportunities of Turkey in the right place and in the right time.

It aims at providing the use of the instruments of public diplomacy in an efficient way by decision makers.

Our Institute would benefit firstly from precious accumulations of TASAM which is the leading think-tank of Turkey, and is going to open its doors to the different points of views.

We have no doubt that Turkey would near the goal of becoming a global power after having started to use public diplomacy efficiently.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah ÖZKAN

Director of The Institute of Public Diplomacy


The multipolar new world order is challenged by certain factors: The risks and ambiguities have increased; the areas for which global powers are in competition have multiplied; new actors have appeared on the scene and a new international arena has occurred. It has become, in this new international arena, impossible to behave, continue and get a result by utilizing the instruments and methods of the unipolar world order or Cold War period.

The new world order has its own conditions, norms, instruments and methods. The hard power policy of the Cold War has today left its place to the gravity of soft power. From now on, the persuasion has taken the first place, not the propaganda. As well as the diplomacy between states; the communication, interaction among public opinions; therefore “public to public diplomacy” has begun gaining importance.

In that kind of circumstances; the Institute of Public Diplomacy has appreciated as mission making studies which would provide Turkey’s accommodating with the new international arena and with the new world order; increasing its efficiency; introducing necessary methods and instruments which are necessary for reaching its regional and global objectives; its conducting the perception of itself and its composing the messages which would help build a true presentation.



As well as geo-strategic power, Turkey has an important scale of historical accumulations and civilization values. With these values, it has also the strategic power to contribute world peace. When Turkey reaches the power needed for leading efficiently both in the region and in the international arena; it is going to undertake the role of the peacemaker in resolving many regional and global conflicts and problems.

The Institute of Public Diplomacy implies that it is viable for Turkey to use its strategic power more efficiently, thus its ability to lead global peace and collaborations. The Institute also takes as a responsibility to support Turkey in this issue by preparing road maps.



The aim of the Institute of Public Diplomacy is to implement the activities which would prepare the opportunity to Turkey in using its soft power and in increasing its strategic value. In this context, the Institute also aims at preparing the basis for sparking the civil initiative in order to benefit from the accumulations of the country.

The followings are the preferential objective of the Institute of Public Diplomacy:

- In line with Turkey’s survey of multidimensional foreign policy, organizing forums, congresses and meetings about economics, politics, science, culture, education, technology and arts on international basis.

- In organizing these meetings; contacting with the scholars, scientists, the representatives of NGOs from our region and around the world; quoting them the accumulations of Turkey and preparing the basis of benefiting from their accumulations.

- Granting prior rank to the issues related with the national interests during national or international meetings, sharing the conclusions and proposed solutions with the decision makers.

- Making scientific studies about Turkey’s fundamental problems, preparing reports and initiating researches. Prioritizing the issues with which decision makers are more interested and collaborating with different institutions and associations.

- Producing scientific projects, providing their conduct in an efficient way and sharing the conclusions with the decision makers.

- Making studies which would inform and create consciousness among public and public administration about public diplomacy; and conducting common projects with Ministries, Governorships and Municipalities.

- Being a communication bridge between public administration and public; making studies which would increase the productivity and efficiency of the messages oriented to public opinion

- Making strategic communication studies which would help increase the efficiency of Turkey’s international presentation. Making proposals of using the new communication technologies in international promotion campaigns and developing projects on this issue.

- Conducting scientific studies about “Perception Management” and producing new projects which would consolidate/develop Turkey’s positive perception in abroad.

- Getting together the scholars and experts of Turkey with the right projects and evaluating this important potential in a way that would serve Turkey’s political, economic, social and cultural development.

- Providing the human resources, knowledge and projects needed for NGOs to work more efficiently and more productively. Making studies in order to develop the communication among NGOs and the culture of conducting common projects.

- Producing the projects that would help the right and efficient promotion of Turkey’s cultural knowledge both to national public opinion and foreign public opinion

- Producing the projects that would lead the evaluation of the young population as a strategic power in public diplomacy activities. Besides, preparing the basis for women who want to take part in these projects.

- Conducting the projects that would provide the use of the possibilities like tourism, arts and sports as an efficient power.



The Institute of Public Diplomacy is represented by the “President of Institute”. In conducting scientific studies and in coordinating the projects, “Director of Institute” is responsible. Besides, researchers with PhD take part in the scientific preparation of the projects.

“Advisory Board of the Institute” is responsible for competency of the scientific activities, their orientations and their increase of quality. New scholars are going to be added to our Advisory board which is composed of precious scholars both from our pre-eminent universities and from the universities abroad.



Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Karluk ( Anatolia University )

Prof. Dr. Ilhan Tekeli (Middle East Technical University)

Prof. Dr. Nilufer Narli ( Bahcesehir University )

Prof. Dr. Prasnikar Janez ( Faculty of Economics, Slovenia )

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim S. Canbolat ( Uludag University )

Prof. Dr. Teimuraz Beridze ( International Black Sea University, Georgia )

Prof. Dr. Samir Salha ( Kocaeli University )

Prof. Dr. Becir Macic ( Sarajevo University, Bosnia and Herzegovina )

Prof. Dr. Yavuz Atar ( Selcuk University )

Prof. Dr. Jovan Teokarevic ( Belgrad University, Serbia )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri ( University of East Mediterranean )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Hatipoglu ( Marmara University )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman Kiziltoprak ( Mimar Sinan University )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bicer ( Sakarya University )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anatoli Momryk, ( National Science Academy, Ukrain )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Yenigun ( Istanbul Culture University )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omer Anayurt ( Sakarya University )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ozkan (Istanbul Arel University)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Karahan Uslu (TOBB University of Economics and Technology)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan Dogan ( Marmara University)

Koba Khabazı ( MP, Parliament of Georgia )



The Institute is going to collaborate firstly with TASAM and with the institutes connected to it; then with many NGOs and public bodies and institutions. The studies are going to be oriented to the issues which enter into the field of public diplomacy; the institute is going to arrange congresses, forums and workshops; and also is going to publish scientific studies, support the projects of different institutions that are beneficial for Turkey and is going to contribute the studies oriented to Turkey’s use of its resources in the most efficient way.